Welcome to our Community Resources Page!
SNP is dedicated to supporting the needs of our community members. If we don't have the resources you're looking for, we'll connect you with someone who does! Discover the incredible programs and services available throughout the Greater Victoria region.
Don't have what your looking for? feel free to contact us!
Contact Information:
Tel. 250-360-1148
Email: [email protected]
SNP is dedicated to supporting the needs of our community members. If we don't have the resources you're looking for, we'll connect you with someone who does! Discover the incredible programs and services available throughout the Greater Victoria region.
- Youth and Family Resources: Programs designed to assist youth and families in our community.
- Food Resources: Food programs and resources to aid food security.
- Mental Health Resources: Mental health services and support.
- Indigenous Resources: Resources in supporting Indigenous communities.
- 2SLGBTQIA+ Resources: Inclusive resources and support networks for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
Don't have what your looking for? feel free to contact us!
Contact Information:
Tel. 250-360-1148
Email: [email protected]