Our Story
Saanich Neighbourhood Place was established in 1993 by a group of citizens and parents who recognized the need for a space where families could gather, share resources, and support one another in a safe and inclusive community environment. With community support, Saanich Neighbourhood Place was formally established in 1997 as a registered non-profit family resource centre providing programs and services for families, youth and children. We have grown and now have three locations: Pearkes Recreation Centre (1993), Broad View United(2019), and Saanich Neighbourhood Place Child and Family Centre(2021). Royal Oak Neighbourhood House(2018) was closed in 2023, and is looking for a new home.
Our Mission
To enrich lives through caring programs that connect people to each other and their community.
Our Values
Accessible, inclusive, diverse, respectful, compassionate, resilient, and strength-based community support and relationships.
Our Mandate
- To promote and support the well-being of families and youth.
- To be an inclusive, accessible organization, welcoming to all visitors.
- To recognize the diversity of and foster positive interactions within our community.
- To work in collaboration with community partners to support families and build resilient communities.
- To operate in a fiscally responsible and transparent manner.